Rabu, 25 Mei 2011

Tugas softskill 3

Sabtu, 16 April 2011

Menulis Kreatif Tugas 2

#Menulis Kreatif#


1. Exact: Correct, Accurate

2. Commemorates: Celebrate

3. Defend: Protect

4. Keep: Save

5. Slant: Slope

6. Speed: Fast

7. Shape: Form

8. Test: Check

9. Choice: Option

10. Brave: Dare


1. I hope you will attend at the sales meeting at the end of the month.

2. Don’t forget to send this order by airfreight.

3. You miss providing the delivery date.

4. We appreciate if you order before July 15.

5. Higher the quality.

6. Please, don’t come late for an appoitment with the custumers.

7. We are sorry your request haven’t done now.

8. We will done your special request latter.

9. We will be pation our prices until April 1.

10. A custumer’s preference is priority.


1. Fervent: Sungguh-sungguh/ penuh semangat

2. Offend: Melanggar

3. Forbid: Terlarang

4. Fashion: Mode/ Kebiasaan

5. Invent: Penemuan

6. Denounce: Mengumumkan

7: Refined: Menyempurnakan

8. Open: Terbuka

9. Exception: Pengecualian

10. Irregular: Tak beraturan

11. Validate: Berlakunya

12. Hide: Sembunyi

13. Fiction: Fiktif

14. Unimportant: Tidak penting

15. Complicated: Sulit/ Membingungkan

1. Impartial, unbiased, objective: Tidak memihak

2. Entreat, beg, implore: Memohon

3. Blossow, bloom, flower: Bunga

4. Fabricate, shape, dodge: Membuat

5. Meddle, interfere, tamper: Mencampuri/ Campur tangan

6. Revise, correct,remedy; Memperbaiki

7. Coarse, gross, crude; Kasar

8. Guarded, wary, watchful; Berhati-hati

9. Principle, rule, regulation: Aturan

10. Routine, customary, uniform; Kebiasaan

11. Speculate, theorize, guess: Dugaan

12. Disclose, communicate, tell: Memberitahukan

13. Knowledge, learning, information: Pengetahuan

14. Significant, meaningful, serious: Berarti

15. Elementary, basic, pure: Dasar

Selasa, 22 Maret 2011

sales letter


Sales letter usually use by the marketing or public relation to offer a good or service to their client or customer. The purpose of this letter mostly to get prospect of bussiness. There are some requirements in making a good sales letter :

· Setting the goal or the target selling

· select and mention the advantages if the target market using your product or service

· arrange your letter as logical as possible

· select your target market

This is the example of sales letter :

HR Group, TBK. Indonesia

North Jakarta ,14159 Phone 021-435-456-45

February 28, 2011

Mr. Freddy Agung

1234 Sunter Podomoro

North Jakarta, 14567

Dear Mr. Freddy Agung:

In this global era where everyone is want to make everything feels to be easier, faster, and efficient. Therefore, HR group one of the flexible company in Indonesia is creating HR 011 a smart phone that offer the easy way to solve your complicated problem.

HR 011 Phone is the newest product of HR Phone. Phone As a creative mobile phone which help people closer to world, have launched in many countries, also in Indonesia.

The character of HR Phone is slim. You can download, upload and multi- task fast. And vastly extended battery life and fast start feature. The feature of product include: bluetooth, navigation, camera 5 MP with flash, MP3, Facebook, twitter, Opera Mini. Design elegantly and futuristic. This mobile phone make the user easier to get the information and also get what they want. Make your own application because this phone include Android.

We hope you can join us and use our product. It will be exiting to hear the good news from our coustumer. Please, read this salles letter and you can get advantage of this exclusive offer.


Hutari Rafika

Marketing Executive